What do our clients say about our training?
Jira User training for Enterprises

Jira user training, National Australia Bank
As one of the 'big 4', National Australia Bank (NAB) is an enterprise company that harnesses technology at every level.
As part of their agile transformation, Jira was mandated as the tool to record, track and report on work for a large group of project delivery professionals.
This presented a challenge to Katherine Epsom, leading the 'New Ways of Working' capability team, who was tasked with rolling out their agile transformation initiative.
"We had mixed levels of experience across the group, and needed a fast, scalable way to bring 1000+ people up to the point where they had a common knowledge base. There was also the need to reinforce the importance of our NAB taxonomy supported by Jira, and train our project teams on how Jira would be used to manage ongoing dependencies between project and technical teams."
But introducing new software, at scale and to tight deadlines, alongside new ways of working, is not without its challenges:
"We had previously rolled out some internal training via SMEs who had volunteered from our delivery community, but as an approach this was neither sustainable, scalable, or necessarily represented best practice. With only a single perspective on how we might best use the capabilities of the tool, we were looking for an experienced training partner who could not only deliver best-in-class learning, but could critically evaluate and enhance our use of the tool."
Here's where GLiNTECH step in; we've worked with numerous enterprise companies implementing and deploying Atlassian tools. We expedite the uptake of new software and ensure success, simply by enabling users to get the most out of the tools and get more done. We bring our wealth of experience in this field to every engagement, but understand that all companies have their own style and requirements.
"We approached GLiNTECH with a fairly urgent need for support in rolling out Jira training to a significant number of users. We needed a partner who had experience and expertise in this space as we didn’t have time to start from scratch. We also needed a partner who could quickly work with us to understand our ways of working and Jira configuration, and tailor best practice training to include our content."
By partnering with our clients, and approaching training holistically, we help them form a focused training strategy. This is far more successful than the ad-hoc, 'bolt-on' sessions often added at the end of a project as an afterthought.
"GLiNTECH were fantastic from the initial conversation, and gave us huge confidence that we had selected both an experienced and an adaptable training partner. Robin and his team worked with us to understand our environment and our specific challenges and outcomes, and blended their proven best practice training content with our own NAB material into a recommended program. They accommodated our tight timelines, and in fact were exceptionally accommodating in this respect to make the training happen for us.
We launched presentation style training and hands-on labs to over 250 people initially, and GLiNTECH mobilised a ‘train the trainer’ program with our internal champions. This allowed us to sustain the excellent standard of training that was initially delivered, plus associated materials and environments ourselves, and train the remaining users."
Success is always the goal, an by enabling clients to continue to deliver and scale the training themselves, we hope to set clients up for long term results.
"We had consistently exceptional feedback on both the Jira training presentations and labs in terms of content, level of pitch, and delivery style, and we would not hesitate to recommend GLiNTECH to any other group looking to roll out Atlassian training. "
If the above sounds familiar to you, get in touch and see how GLiNTECH enterprise training can help you