How to track financials and RAG Status in Jira with Advanced Roadmaps
GLiNTECH has worked with many clients implementing Jira and Advanced Roadmaps and two of the most common pain points and requests we get are for RAG Status and Financial Tracking reporting and visibility across their Strategic Portfolio and PMO.
Most of our clients have traditionally used spreadsheets to keep track of their project budgets and as a result struggle to consolidate their reporting requirements.
As projects and strategic Initiatives have a budget associated with them and there is usually a requirement to track the budget expenditure and remaining budgets.
This solution enables a single source of truth resulting in consolidated reporting across a Strategic Portfolio and Program of work that scales across all levels and meets the needs of various stakeholders.
Join Kate Wowk as she guides you through a simple solution to these problems.
Kate is the Engagement Manager at GLiNTECH