Atlassian Announces Cloud Price Increases effective Oct 2024
Atlassian recently announced some changes to their Cloud List and Advantaged pricing plans, which will come into effect on 16 Oct 2024 PT. These changes will impact Standard, Premium and Enterprise customers. As this date is fast approaching, we have identified a list of questions and answers that will assist in how you can manage the upcoming changes and our recommendations on next steps.
What is changing?
Effective 16th October, Atlassian will make the following changes:
Cloud List price increase:
- Jira (5-10%)
- Confluence (5-10%)
- Jira Service Management (8-20%)
- Opsgenie (5‑10%)
- Atlassian Guard (5‑8%)
- Bitbucket (10%)
- Compass (14%)
Pricing is dependent on your user tier.
Cloud Advantaged price increases:
- Jira Service Management
- Bitbucket
- Opsgenie
In addition to price increases, Jira Service Management Cloud will have the following packaging changes:
- Most incident, problem and change management features will move from all editions to Premium and Enterprise only
- Assets objects and Virtual Service Agent assisted conversations will move to consumption-based pricing
Customers using these features will a receive grace period and/or advantaged plan to transition to the new pricing & packaging model.
Further details listed here.
Am I Impacted by this change?
You will be impacted if you are:
- A current Cloud customer on list pricing
- A current Cloud customer on an advantaged price plan
- A current Jira Service Management Standard Cloud customer
How do I know if I'm on List or Advantaged pricing?
If you're not sure of your current price point, your GLiNTECH Account Manager can advise you of your plan and any upcoming increases.
What options do I have?
You have three options!
- Option 1: Finalise any Cloud quotes with us by 10th October 2024 (Recommended)
If you have an active quote with us for new Cloud licensing, user or plan upgrades or renewals, please have any requested quote amendments to us as soon as possible to make sure you take advantage of the current pricing.
- Option 2: Purchase 24 months upfront before the price increase
To lock in the current pricing, you can request a 24 month quote for new cloud licensing and renewals. (Atlassian quoting terms and conditions apply).
- Option 3: Purchase Cloud licensing after the price increase
If you’re unable to purchase before the price change, then you can always transact at a later date.
Is there anything else I should know to secure current pricing?
- Ensure all changes to your Cloud quotes (including technical contact details) are requested by 10 Oct 2024
- Once you have your Cloud quote, you'll need to refrain from making any changes to your Cloud site until the transaction has been finalised. Any changes to your Cloud site, such as activating and deactivating licenses or trials, will result in active quotes being automatically deleted. A new quote would need to be created and would be subject to the new pricing structure.
Atlassian pricing is complex and there may be other considerations that can help reduce your costs, please reach out to our team if you require any advice on the changes.